wpe6.jpg (15982 bytes) Sharon Primm-Dayot

Department: LA & Web Class

Years with Upward Bound: 7 years

I love reading, writing, eating, and people watching. I dream of kayaking among a pod of orca around the San Juan Islands. I fantasize that I'm running with the bulls in Pamplona or that I'm a Defensive Tackle for the NFL and "knockin the stuffin" out of an unsuspecting Quarterback. But I'm most content when I'm walking hand-in hand with my husband, Ben, or when I'm watching my family eat and converse around the dinner table. 

Tell one funny event that happened in your life.

I once went to a California beach, early in the morning, intent to relax in a lounge chair with a good book. Due to the soothing sounds, smells and warmth around me, I fell asleep. Sometime later, I awoke to laughter and conversation.   Sleepily opening my eyes, I suddenly snapped to attention. I was surrounded by nude sunbathers. I quickly folded my chair, grabbed my towel, book, and sunglasses and headed down the path toward my car. Have you ever tried to exit, unnoticed, when you are the only fully clothed person on a beach? I still remember all the eyes upon me.  As I approached my car, too late, I saw a sign stating: Public Notice-This is a Nude Beach.

Why did you decide to join the program?

I decided to join UB because I wanted to be involved with high school students and because I believed in the program.

What do you like most about the program?

Without a doubt, I love the students in UB. They make me laugh, sometimes they make me cry, but they always make me proud to be part of the program.

What do you think about the students in the program?

I think they're all crazy! Crazy in the sense that they voluntarily give up their summer to study. WOW! What dedication and discipline! I think I'm going to see them do great things in the future.

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