wpe7.jpg (12353 bytes) Stephanie Owings

Department: Language & Study Group

Years with Upward Bound:  5 weeks

I am a person who enjoys life on the most part.   I like good friends, laughter, music, swimming, reading, and writing.  I am slow to anger, but when I am, I pout.  I am usually pretty shy.  Sometimes I have an impish sense of humor and I tease my friends without mercy.  I love Carl Hatcher.   I take long walks to rest and get rid of my worries.

Tell one funny event that happened in your life.

I was walking one of my dogs who weighs about 80lbs and looks like a black lab.  Usually my dog is very sweet, but one day she charged after this other little dog for no reason. Yanking my hand which was holding the leash, I let go. The little dog belonged to this very elderly man who was very upset by this big dog chasing his little housepet. The two dogs were growling and barking and jumping around, while I was trying desperately to get the leash and get my normally calm Yoko ( that is my dog's name) under control.  I started kicking at her to try and get her to back off because I was afraid she would hurt the little dog or bite the old man by accident.  The next thing I knew I had kicked the old man in the shin and he was hopping around howling.  The dogs stopped fighting to watch (neither one was the least bit harmed) and all I could do was apologize profusely.  I was embarrassed.  I tried to explain to him that I was trying to break up the dogs.  I kept asking him if he was all right and he said  "yes" with each inquiry.   I picked up Yoko's leash and headed home scolding her the entire time.  I think she understood, but if I did not know better, I would have thought she had a grin on her face.

Why did you decide to join the program?

I needed the money. I also like working with alternative educational programs, in which we try a lot of new ways to teach and make learning fun again.

What do you like most about the program?

1.I like that this program because it is small enough that you can get to know the students and they can get to know you, but big enough that we take advantage of the opportunities only presented to program like this. 

2. I like to drive the van.

3. I also like teaching outside when it is summer.

What do you think about the students in the program?

I think they are wonderful.  They challenge me as a teacher and as a student.  I love you all and hope we will always be friends.

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