Bob Bernreuter

Instructor of Latin word elements and Greek Roman History

High School diploma from Key West, FL
B.A From Dartmouth College
M.A from University of Washington


What is the craziest thing you've seen an instructor or student do during you r time in the Upward Bound Program ?

One time when I walked into class and there was a girl dancing on top of her desk (Seven knows who!)

What interest you in becoming a staff member at UP bard Bound?

The chance to teach a subject I find interesting, which will help me decide if I would like to teach for a living.

How long have you been a member of the University of  Washington's Upward Bound Program?

This is my second summer.

Besides being here during the summer, where else would you rather spend your time?

Hiking in the Cascades or Olympics( which I do on weekends), or living in France( which I hope to do soon).