Byron MacKenzie


BS Nuclear Engineering
BSAS Physics, University of Washington

Web Design Instructor

Think Quest Coach


What is the craziest thing you've seen an instructor or student do during your time in the Upward Bound Program?

Dave and I taught a class on how computers work where students built computers for their own use. Since it was the first time either of us had done this, we often worked late. This had an unfortunate effect on Dave, he got squirrelly. One time when we were in the lobby of Schmitz Hall, he though it would be a good idea to climb to the columns. 

Watching him climb made me a little nervous so I asked," Aren't you afraid of falling?"

"I haven't fallen yet," he said.

"Have you done this before?"

"I do this all the time, " Dave replied. "It keeps me awake and besides, it's good practice for rock climbing."

"Okay Dave ....whatever."

What interest you in becoming a staff member at Upward Bound?

I had a just graduated from the University of Washington when Marciano, a former U.B  Instructor, asked me it I was interested in being one of the Science Instructors. It sounded like it would be fun and interesting so I talked to Karen Morell who was the director at the time and she hired me to teach physics. Two summers later she asked me if I'd like to take charge of the computer lab and teach web design and well, I been here ever since. 

How long have you been a member of the University of Washington's Upward Bound?

Seven summers and one full school year. That was the year Dave and I taught the class on computers. 

Besides being here during the summer, where else would you rather spend your time?

I've always been interested in the Classical Era, which started in ancient Greece and ended with the fall of Roman Empire. So, I would like to see the ruins in Europe, the remnants of their culture.