Technology and Science Coordinator

BA in Biology from Reed College
MS in Genetics from University of Chicago
Several degrees from "Learn it the Hard Way U"


What is the craziest thing you've seen an instructor or student do during your time in the Upward Bound Program?

Students and staff gettin' mighty weird during ThinkQuest all-nighters.  The students seemed to get this mad burst of manic energy, while the staff seemed to be mooovvviinnngg iinnn sssllllooowwwww mmmmoootttiiioooonnnn.......


What interest you in becoming a staff member at Upward Bound?

When I started working with Upward Bound in Chicago and met the students, I really got hooked.  It was inevitable that I would end up with UB once I moved to Seattle.  Our students never cease to amaze me.


How long have you been a member of the University of Washington's Upward Bound Program?

4 years


Besides being here during the summer, where else would you rather spend your time?

Skiing, rock climbing, mountaineering, mountain biking, bike touring, canoeing, photography .....  Basically anything that gives me an excuse to get up into the mountains.