Language Arts Teacher

BA in Educational Studies from Brown University

BA in English from UW 6/98

MIT (Master in Teaching) from Seattle University 6/00


What is the craziest thing you've seen an instructor or student do during your time in the Upward Bound Program?

I haven't been with Upward Bound for very long, so in my short tenure I would have to say that the craziest thing I have seen is the twin brothers Darren and David (Thomas?) trying desperately (without success) to pelt their instructors with snowballs.


What interest you in becoming a staff member at Upward Bound?

I first came on as a staff member because UB needed a person with experience teaching math SAT preparation and I had done that many years ago. I have also been interested in working with students who are intelligent, motivated, and fun but who have perhaps not had the resources to go on to higher education.


How long have you been a member of the University of Washington's Upward Bound Program?

I have been involved with UB since April of 2000.


Besides being here during the summer, where else would you rather spend your time?

On the ultimate Frisbee field, on my bike, in the ocean anywhere, on the east coast visiting family, in Alaska, in a movie house seeing a good film, in the mountains.