Program Assistant.

B.A. @ UW, 2001, Comparative History of Ideas, Cum laude.

A.A. Honors, Peninsula College, 1996.


What is the craziest thing you've seen an instructor or student do during your time in the Upward Bound program?

I haven't been here long enough to see much crazy stuff but I have seen Dave Wolczyk playing with a slinky and a car fueled by pez...Why does he have the good toys?


What interest you in becoming a staff member of the UW, UB program?

Christina Roberts told me about the program, and I was interested in working here.  I had worked in the school system in my hometown, and am enjoying working here.


How long have you been a member of the UW, UB program?

Two and a half months.


Besides being here during the summer, where else would you rather spend your time?

At home in front of the window reading and working on my book.