Director of UB.

B.A. Education, 1966

M.A. English, 1972


What is the craziest thing you've seen an instructor or student do during your time in the Upward Bound Program?

About 6 years ago, we had a particularly difficult student who was always making snide remarks at everybody. He demeaned people incessantly and disrespected both staff and students. The only person he feared was his father, a firm disciplinarian who showed concern for his child and wanted to be involved. The father arrived early in school one day to pick up his son for a medical appointment.  I motioned for him to enter the class and wait until class was over. The son went about his normal business of making life miserable for everyone else. He was on a roll this particular day and turned around to be caught in the act that he appeared paralyzed. He still had the glazed over look on his face when the bell rang and we all left him in the room to face his father's wrath.

What interest you in becoming a staff member at UB?

I have been working in education for the past 35 years. As a teacher, counselor, grantwriter, and/or administrator, I have worked with at-risk youths and adults, assisting them in their job search and continuing education. I decided to shift gears in 1991 to work with the other population: the youths who can dream dreams they can achieve.

How long have you been a member of UW, UB Program?

Since August 1991.

Besides being here during the summer, where else would you rather spend your time?

Gardening, arts and crafts, painting...at home.