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Jessica Salas


What's your biggest fear?

My fears tend to change as my life changes. Currently my biggest fears revolve around Graduate School. I worry that I might not be good enough to get into my choice schools or if I got in everyone else would be smarter and more capable then me. I also worry that Horror Cinema might be too mainstream a field of study and that most American institutions do not have need for an Americanist (Thank goodness I love London). Whenever these fears start to get the better of me I try to remember that the only thing that is really standing in my way is me. I have made it this far and I'm the only one that is able to stop my forward movement. Then I take a deep breath and go along with my day.

And slugs. They freak me out.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

My most embarrassing moment? I have no idea. I do plenty of embarrassing things all the time. Watch me for an hour and I probably do something embarrassing every couple of minutes. The most embarrassing thing I have done recently was when I brought the wrong art to an artist's event.

I brought an issue of Transmetropolitan (an excellent post-cyberpunk comic book written by Warren Ellis and drawn by Darick Robertson) to have Darick Robertson sign that he didn't actually draw. I went on about how this was my favorite piece he had done for the whole series and it was drawn by Jim Lee. Mr. Robertson was very kind to point this out and signed the comic anyway.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

London. I would live in London. I visited this amazing city a little more than a year ago and fell in love. I love the atmosphere of the city; everyone is rushed but strangely warm. I had wonderful conversations with people on streets and saw some amazing things. I think the city is a mass of contradictions and very confusing and I love it. I loved being lost in London and just taking it all in. I love the people, I love the Tube, I love the insults, I love the shops, I love the art and attractions, I love the dirt and the construction. I love the food and weather. I love that the skies seem to match the cement. I have never been any place that felt so comfortable and so much like home. I was mistaken for a native three times! Clearly I am meant to be there. I spent three days in London and ten weeks in Paris but London stole my heart. Plus I saw a Police Box on the street that seemed to appear out of nowhere and I am convinced it was The Doctor from Doctor Who.

What is the craziest moment you've seen during Upward Bound this year?

I do not think things have been that crazy. Possibly Jalen thinking that I could not see him pretend to take notes early in the first week. I went to high school. I know how this works.

What sea animal would you want to be?

Bull Shark, of course.


