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Monica Olsson



What's your biggest fear?

My biggest fear is feeling as though I am stuck in a life situation that I can't get out of or move forward in a positive and productive fashion.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

My sister pulled my pants down in front of a bunch of strangers in our family's living room when we were about seven years old. My cheeks turned the shade of a tomato from embarrassment

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

Currently, if I could live anywhere in the world it would be in California, because I would like to go to grad school at Berkeley. If I could visit anywhere in the world right now it would be Madrid, Spain because I am in love with Spain.

What is the craziest moment you've seen during Upward Bound this year?

I really enjoyed the video framing activity the Cinema Studies class did as a large group last week. Our volunteer actors were pretty hilarious!

What sea animal would you want to be?

I would want to be an Otter. They are the cutest ever.


