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Putri Hiendarto



What's your biggest fear?

Disappointing the people I respect, love, and care about.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

Forgetting how to play my piece halfway through - twice - in a piano recital.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

Tokyo. I was there for half a year to study abroad a couple years back and I absolutely fell in love with the city. The energy, the liveliness, the people, the food, just... everything about it. I didn't think that I would like it there since Tokyo is such a big city and I really had no idea what to expect, but it really grew on me. If I had stayed there longer I probably wouldn't have come back to Seattle.

What is the craziest moment you've seen during Upward Bound this year?

During the Pack Forest trip, some Upward Bound students were still wide awake AND working out at midnight.

What sea animal would you want to be?

A dolphin.


