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Tamara Cooper



What's your biggest fear?

Ever since I was a child, I was afraid of the dark. Although at times the fear creeps up on me, particularly after watching a horror film late at night. My real fear is simple... bees. I'm deathly allergic to them. I'd hate to be sitting at a picnic table one day, minding my own business, eating a sandwich only to be stung by a bee and suddenly die! - not my idea of fun.

What is your most embarrassing moment?

Well, hm there have been so many. Let's see. I think it's still has to be gym class in grade 7. We were vaulting over an increasing high bar and I was quite good at it. So whenever it was my turn, the whole class paid attention. Problem was I was not wearing my normal gym shorts that day since they were in the laundry. I wore a pair of track pants instead. Little did I know that would be a simply terrible idea.

I ran toward the bar and knew I could sail over it onto the thick giant pads on the other side with no problem and sail I did. I also landed beautifully. Unfortunately, so did my pants. They were so loose that as I landed the force of the pads held them in place while I unwittingly stood up, pants down by my ankles in front of the whole grade 7 class. Now I think that's hysterical. At 12 it was mortifying!

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

I'd spend several months doing research in London and the Caribbean since I have relatives in both places I'm longing to meet.

What is the craziest moment you've seen during Upward Bound this year?

I haven't y'all are happy and sane.

What sea animal would you want to be?

I'd like to be a sea horse, primarily because although I have to release the eggs for childbirth, the male sea horse carries the eggs until they've finished gestating. He does all the work for a change and I get to swim around free!! Sounds good to me!
Call me when the babies are ready!


