

Hang out spot?

During lunch, I have taken the opportunity to explore different areas to eat and spend time with friends. Because of the weather, a normal response would be to eat somewhere chilled and cool. Because we all bring our lunches, everyone finds a spot to eat instead of walking on the Ave. to purchase their lunch. Many have found a home at the ECC. Likewise, others have found a place at Parrington. Because the Hub is now closed, I, personally, enjoy walking to the fountain. Feeling the breeze and mist of the water when the wind blows is the best part. The feeling is truly amazing.

Favorite Color?


Where would you like to spend your summer vacation?

I love the fact that I'm spending my summer vacation here with my friends at Upward Bound. However, if Upward Bound was closed for the summer, I would spend my summer with my favorite girl in the entire world. Either that, or go to Las Vegas on vacation with my family. It's really fun there (even though I can't gamble), and it's a chance to experience a REAL summer, with the hot sun bursting in your face. I'd rather that than the rain we experience here during the summer.

Favorite Drink?

Bubble Tea

What do you want to be when you grow up?

At the moment, I have NO IDEA what I want to be when I grow up. If you think about it, I'm already "grown up." In a couple of years, I will have to declare a major and soon, I will be someone other than a student. I am considering business or something in the field of computers, but it's too early to tell. When I actually choose a major/career, I want it to be PERFECT.

Are you a dolphin or shark? Why?

Who am I? I am a dolphin. I am a dolphin because I enjoy the presence and company of others. I am also a "people-pleaser" who tries to make others happy the best way that I can. I don't snap at peers or create problems (like a shark) and people aren't afraid of me either. I am simply a fun-loving person (like a dolphin) who likes to live life happily (who doesn't?).

What's your favorite class this summer and why?

Ballroom Dancing is definitely my favorite class this summer. This is a class where I get to work with my body as opposed to sitting behind a desk taking notes, which is what is done in ALL of my other courses. Ballroom is a fun class not only because dancing is fun. The students in the class are all extremely interesting and because we must dance with each other, it's an easy way to meet others in the class without tension. The fact that this class is at the end of the day and has an extended duration makes this the best class to finish the day off with.

What's your favorite summer memory?

My favorite summer memory was the camping trip to Pack Forest. I will never forget the things I've done, the things I've seen, the events I've experienced, and the people I have gotten to know better. This trip was definitely memorable because of the structure. Ice breakers have been useful, but leaving us off to do whatever we want has also sparked some interesting conversations amongst different groups of friends. I will never forget this wonderful experience where we all became a bigger and better family, here at Upward Bound.

What's your favorite sea animal?

After watching "Finding Nemo," I'd have to say that my favorite sea animal is a clown fish. You just gotta love 'em! I've never actually seen a clown fish in real life (or if I have, I wasn't aware of it), and one day, I'd like to see/own one. Hopefully, they'll be funny and make me laugh (but probably not; I'm actually afraid of clowns because they're evil and scary).

Describe your U.B experience in one word.


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