
Favorite hang out spot?

hahahahaha sushiland. or one of our houses.

Favorite Color?


Where would you like to spend your summer?

Somewhere on an Island, that has breezes, but is still sunny, and the only thing you can do is soak up in the sun. Or I would love to visit anywhere in Europe, like Rome, Italy, London.

Favorite Drink?

Iced Caramel Maachiato from Starbucks/Strawberry Milktea from Ambrosia

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Undecided, but I'm sorta looking into computer engineering.


Are you a dolphin or shark? Why?

You might think I'm a dolphin, but really I'm a shark. I'm really competitive, and want to be number one is everything I do. I have a tendency of analyzing the people I'm competing with to see what my competition is.

What's your favorite class this summer and why?

My favorite class has to be pre-cal. This is a rigorous class that might make you think twice in taking, but I promise you, with Will, this class is worth struggling for. Once you get the content and the little unit you're working on, you'll amaze yourself on what your capable of doing.

What's your favorite summer memory?

My favorite summer memory has to be the bbq's I have with my family. Especially with my silly niece Lisa who can always put a smile on your face. ALSO, watching Toy Story 3 with Andrew! :)

What's your favorite sea animal?

My fave sea animal has to be Little Mermaid. She's a mermaid, and a princess! Like me! What more can you ask for? :)

Describe your U.B experience in one word.





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