
Upward Bound Drama

1. If you were to make a Disney Pixar movie, what would it be about?
Identify and claiming your voice

2. Why did you decide to become a teacher?
I love what happens when a student finally leaps.

3. Do you consider yourself a risk taker? (give an example to back up your answer)
Yes, I do work that challenge long held notions and I take the heat for putting it out there.

4. What was the first Disney Pixar movie you watched?
Toy Story I

5. Are you a positive and energetic person? (Given an example to back up your answer.)
Not naturally -- I work at it

6. If I was your principal and we were setting goals for next year, what would they be?
Helping students become fearless

7. If a student said she thought you were the worst teacher she ever had, how would you react and what would you say?
I'd ask why. I'd evaluate the validity of the opinion by seeking the advice by peers and change what is needed to be changed

8. What is your favorite Disney Pixar movie?

9. Tell me about yourself.
Not much to tell. I love my gas grill, and I'm off to New York City to direct a play.

