Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2

Everyone has a reason to live. Whether the reason is good or bad, there is always a reason. As Harry goes through life-changing events, not only has it given him reasons to live, but it has a given a reason to keep fighting. Although Voldemort continuously questioned why Harry still lived, there are several reasons. These reasons are that he didn't want any more of his friends killed by Voldemort and most importantly, most people had sacrificed their lives to save his.

There is no doubt that Harry had a lot of people who cared about him. Like his classmates, professors, and even people who were expected to be enemies. And I couldn't forget his best friends, Hermione and Ron. Being surrounded by people who care about you makes you care about others, even if they are your enemies. Harry knew that if Voldemort had defeated him, the people he cared about who have been forced to follow the dark lord, and if they did not comply with these orders, they would be killed. Harry wasn't going to let either of those things happen; he was going to fight until he couldn't fight anymore. Although Harry and Voldemort share many of the same qualities, one can easily distinguish the differences between the two.

Voldemort was a person who didn't care about anyone but himself. All he wanted was to be the most powerful wizard of all time, and he would do just about anything to make that happen, even if that meant killing someone who followed him. For example, when one of his followers questioned his actions, he automatically killed him with no question. His weakness was that he didn't love nor care about anyone. Who would want to fight for that kind of person? Not me. Quite the opposite of Harry, who had loved and cared about his friends, and risked his life for them. When you have a person like that in your life, you feel as if you should return the favor, and that is exactly what Harry did for his friends.

Losing someone you love isn’t easy. When someone you care about is killed, the way someone feels varies. Some people may feel revengeful and angry, while others may feel guilty and depressed. When someone you care about is killed, it affects your life drastically. When I was younger, I lost someone I cared about so much. Although I didn’t understand what was going on back then, I look back and began to see everything with a different perspective. It is very difficult for people to just move on. It certainly takes a lot of strength to get through it all, and to continue to stay strong even when that person is dead. In Harry Potter, Voldemort and his followers have killed many people closest to Harry. For example: Doby, Sirius Black, Professor Moody, Dumbledore, and his parents.

Sirius Black is known to be Harry’s godfather and was the closest thing he had to a family after his parents died. Harry had planned on spending a lot of time with him, but he did not get the chance to. Bellatrix Lestrange killed him after Sirius tried to protect Harry from Lucius Malfoy. Although she took away Harry’s chance of having a family and being happy, Harry continued to remain hopeful. He let Bellatrix Lestrange get away and continued to fight the primary person who had been the cause of this tragedy, and that was Voldemort.

Without our parents, we would not exist today. Not only that, our parents define who we really are – how we understand and make our way in the world; the people we look up to as our role models; our first teachers. Harry was forced to grow up without his parents, and questioned how his parents really died. Voldemort had killed Harry’s parents, who had sacrificed their lives to save him. If Harry let Voldemort kill him, it would have been pointless for them to have given up their lives. He had a reason to live and it was for his beloved parents.

Harry continues to live for the people that love and care about him. The people that Voldemort and his followers killed were people close to him; people he cared about and loved deeply; people who simply did not deserve to die; people who did not get the chance to live because that chance was taken away from them; people who continued to protect Harry because they believed that it was worth it. A person who sacrifices their lives to save another is a true hero. It is not easy sacrificing your own life for another person, but not only do people have a reason to live, but people also have a reason to die.
