Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

Harry had a lot of reasons to live – his friends, (how many people depend on him), and his fate. But his main reason was the fate of others rested in his hands. When Voldemort killed his parents, the curse rebounded and left a piece of his soul inside Harry. Therefore, Harry was the only one who could kill him. Voldemort would not die unless he was the one to destroy him. With the help of his friends, Harry was able to defeat Lord Voldemort.

From the beginning, Harry had many other creatures and friends who supported him and others who sought to kill him. The death of Dumbledore taught him to be more independent and confident in himself. Harry used to always ask Dumbledore for help, but after he died, he made Harry see that he had the power to protect Hogwarts.

Snape also had a big influence on Harry’s life that helped shape and mold him into a legendary wizard. He started out as Harry’s Dark Arts teacher and it is later revealed that he knew James and Lily Potter, Harry’s parents. When they were killed by Voldemort, Snape grew fond of Harry because he loved his mother, Lily. However, he acte4d the exact opposite and joined the Dark Side. Harry learned a lot from him, including dark magic and how to stand up for himself.

Not only Dumbledore and Snape but also the fact that a part of Voldemort lived in Harry. Harry had the choice of following Voldemort or going against him. As an example, during his first year at Hogwarts, the Sorting Hat was going to choose his house for him, perhaps Slytherin, but Harry was able to choose where he wanted to be and therefore, was placed in Gryffindor. It was always Harry’s will and goodness of heart that led him to the defeat of Voldemort’s forces.
