
Harry Portter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

              Lord Voldemort would stop at nothing to attain ultimate power. His violent actions suggests that he has no moral conscience.  It had been foretold that a boy –Harry Potter – would have the power to defeat Voldemort. His character seems to be the exact opposite of the evil lord. He gains allies because his friendly nature and his tendency to save and protect the lives of others as oppose to Lord Voldemort, who controls his minions through fear and power. These two polar opposites would eventually collide and this would result in an epic battle between good vs. evil.
Harry and Lord Voldemort’s fate were intertwined from the very beginning, ever since Lord Voldemort killed Harry’s mother and a piece of Voldemort’s soul latched onto Harry’s. The revelation of Severus’s promise to Harry’s mother to protect her son and the reason why Severus had to kill Dumbledore in order to gain Lord Voldemort’s trust only strengthened Harry’s sense of duty to put an end to Voldemort’s reign of terror. His duty made it clear to him that Severus’s death and the many lives of others loss during this struggle must not have been all in vain. He must stay alive also because of an oligation to tell Severus side of the story to the people of Hogwarts. It would clear Severus’s name but this might even bring greater unity between Slytherin and the other four houses of Hogwarts because it would improve the House of Slytherin’s image and reputation. But there was another reason of greater importance for Harry’s survival.
Harry’s allies at Hogwarts weren’t the only ones who depended on Harry. When Narcissa Malfoy had checked to see if Harry was dead after Lord Voldemort blasted him with a spell Mrs. Malfoy knew he was alive but lied to Voldemort. This means her true allegiance is not with Voldemort. Harry knows that Narcissa Malfoy and many others who sided with Voldemort did so no of their own free will but depended on him because he was their symbol of hope. When Voldemort announced to the people of Hogwarts that Harry was dead it seemed that life and the will to fight drained out of everyone. But after Harry leaped out of Hagrid’s arm, no one hesitated to launch a defensive counterattack on Voldemort’s forces.
Harry began his journey to destroy the Horcruxes and defeat Lord Voldemort because of the mission given to him by his dead headmaster, Dumbledore. But as the story progresses it provides much insigt to why Harry had live to see it through to the very end. This boy who began this journey because of simple reasons had found out that he beared a great responsibility—to keep hope alive.
