

What is your favorite marvel character? Why?


How's your first year in UWUB?

Its going well, its a challenge though! I met so many new people this summer and I also learned many new things. Overall this summer had a lot of sacrifices but trust me, for this program, its really worth it. (:

What are your thoughts about high school?

Its a life changing experience. It's a place where you can find youself even more. In high school you realize who is real and who is fake. High school is a gate way to a better future. But overall its where you make connection and most importanly... MEMORIES (:

What's one thing you're afraid of losing?

My loved ones

If you were given the chance to have a super power, which super power would you choose?


Which came first the chicken or the egg? In complete detail explain why.

Honestly I have no clue but who cares, they both taste delicious :)