
Picture of Hanan

What is your favorite marvel character? Why?

Don't have one, haha !

How's your first year in UWUB?

It was interesting. At first I didn't enjoy it that much. As the program continued and I started meeting a lot of really cool people I actually began to enjoy it. It's tough but it's worth it.

What are your thoughts about high school?

High school is where you find yourself. I really discovered a lot about who I was, in my freshman year. That might sound really cliche but it's the truth. High school is a really important part of your life. Not just in terms of ʺfinding yourselfʺ but also giving you a foundation for the rest of your life. The things you do in high school will follow you in college. It's not hard if you try and actually make an effort but if not then, you're going to have a very big wake up call when one day you're told you're not eligible to graduate or whatever. So yea...

What's one thing you're afraid of losing?

My Ipod. Lol that might seem like a weird answer but I'm serious. I have all my music, my poetry and other stuff stored on my Ipod. I would be beyond mad if I lost it.

If you were given the chance to have a super power, which super power would you choose?
