Shalindar Singh
UB in Seattle

My Farm

A place that I will never forget is simply where I was raised. I don't remember much about my place, but it was a farm. What I remember about my backyard is it had the most beautiful scene in the world. We had a small window in my room and from that window I could see a mountain. It was the whole world to me when I was little, but now it's only a small part of my memory.

When I was small, I thought it was Mount Everest, but now I know better. I thought it was a thousand foot mountain and had about a million trees. In the summer, the leaves looked green like the emeralds on a crown. In the fall it looked like gold because the leaves on the tree were yellow. There was a road leading to the top and in all my nine years of staying, I only saw one car taking that road.

Now you ask me why I left? Well, seeing that mountain for nine years, I got to thinking of all the other mountains in the world. The mountain came to stand for my life and my success and it reminded me that I needed to go and make something of my life. To this day, I still don't know the name of that mountain.