at the University of Washington

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We employ methods of robust control and optimal trajectory generation towards various autonomous-system engineering applications.


Convex Optimization

We develop efficient robust numerical methods and software to solve convex optimization problems resulting from control applications.

Model Predictive Control

We use a model of the control system and solve relevant optimal control problems via real-time optimization algorithms.


We develop optimal trajectory generation methods for distributed autnomous agents.


Updating Apollo 11

March 23, 2020
UW Aero & Astro
Researchers show us what we gain by applying optimization algorithms to the iconic mission.

A&A CubeSat secures exclusive NASA spot

February 25, 2020
UW Aero & Astro
NASA picks A&A’s CubeSat for the CubeSat Launch Initiative, providing preparation services and a ride into space.

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A&A leads $1.2M NSF grant to advance autonomy through Mars missions insights

November 25, 2019
UW Aero & Astro A research team spanning three universities led by A&A professor Behçet Açıkmeşe received a total of $1.2 million from the NSF.