Sarah Li

Sarah Li

Contact Info:

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Sarah is a fourth year PhD student in the ACL lab. She is broadly interested in game theory, control, and optimization. Her research analyzes how uncertainty affects multi-agent autonomous systems in aerospace. For example, how system-level designers, i.e. ground control operators, may incentivize a team of autonomous cooperative spacecrafts such that a prescribed subset of spacecrafts cannot be destabilized by a known source of faulty signals. Another example is how to prevent collisions and decrease congestion for the increasing number of satellites present in the Low Earth Orbit when each satellite operates under selfish interests. Ms. Li’s extracurricular activities include ballet and climbing.


  • B.Sc in Engineering Physics with minor in Honours Mathematics, University of British Columbia
  • Ph.D student in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, University of Washington, (current)

Research Interests

  • Stochastic Games
  • Multi-agent Gradient-Based Learning
  • Network Games


