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UW Botanic Gardens Newsletter, Vol 10 Issue 4, April 2015

Never a Dull Moment at the Botanic Gardens

Upcoming Events

4/5 Free Weekend Walks
4/6 Clematis Made Easy
4/8 Fiddleheads - Birds In Springtime
4/9 ProHort: Plant Health Care
4/11 Early Bloomers Plant Sale
4/11 Incredible Edible Gardens
4/11 Park in the Dark
4/15 Fiddleheads - Nature Through Our Noses
4/16 Hands-On Renovation Workshop
4/19 Hardy Plant Society of WA Spring Plant Sale
4/19 Free Weekend Walks
4/20 Where Did Birds Come From?
4/22 Earth Day Volunteer Event
4/22 Getting Plants Off to A Great Start
4/25 Welcome the Beetles Story Program
4/26 FlorAbundance Spring Plant Sale
4/28 Trillium Tea, Talk, and Tour
4/30 Arboretum Plant Study: Flowering Shrubs
5/2 King Co Master Gardener Foundation Plant Sale
5/4 Triumph of Seeds with Thor Hanson
5/5 iPhone and iPad Botanical Photography
5/5 A Closer Look: Sino-Himalayan Hillside
See all events »

Free Weekend Walks 

Ann Carey Rhododendron by Joy Spurr

Our tours this month will feature Azaleas and Rhododendrons, including the early blooming species Rhododendrons. Join us at 1pm every Sunday in the Arboretum. See details.

On Exhibit in the Miller Library

Winter Wren copyright Margaret Trent

Original illustration from the Pacific Northwest Botanical Artists will be on exhibit April 3 through May 2. Prints and cards will also be for sale.

New Books in the Miller Library

Slendour of Trees book cover


Garden Lovers' Book Sale Party Tomorrow

The 10th Annual Garden Lovers' Book Sale is April 3rd and 4th.

The fun begins on Friday, April 3rd at 5:00 pm at the Preview Party. Tickets cost $25 and include hors d’oeuvres and wine, plus first crack at the books. Purchase in advance by calling 206-543-0415 or pay at the door.

party photo

On Saturday the doors open at 9:00 am. The public sale is free. Bring your own bags or boxes to load up on great deals.


Encouraging Native Pollinators at the UW Farm

Nicolette at the UW FarmGraduate student Nicolette Neumann Levi is looking for ways to bring more native pollinators to the UW Farm as part of her project for a Master of Environmental Horticulture degree. Read the full article to learn what plants support pollinators.


Active, Outdoor Fun for the Whole Family

Need an alternative to video games and TV this spring? Our family nature walks, night time hikes and story programs will invigorate all ages, but are especially suited for elementary age kids. We have something going on almost every weekend.

Plant Sale Season has Begun in Earnest

Believe it or not, there are over 100 plant sales in the Pacific Northwest in April. Find rare dahlias or fuchsias at specialty sales or tried and true annuals and perennials at general sales. The Elisabeth C. Miller Library compiles a list of regional plant sales and garden tours so when you get tired of weeding, consult the calendar and go buy plants instead!


New Zealand Beckons: Join us for a Garden-themed Tour

Experience spring in November and get a glimpse of Ixerba brexioides, endemic to New Zealand, in full flower. Don't miss this opportunity to travel to New Zealand in November 2015 with UW Botanic Gardens Director Sarah Reichard! Read more about the tour.

photo by Wikham

Photo by Ang Wickham

April 2015 Plant Profile: Anemone nemorosa ‘Viridiflora’

Anemone flower

Wood Anemones are wonderful, easy-to-grow spring ephemerals that require patience to get established. They are sought after by gardeners because they thrive in dry shade underneath mature trees. Their delicate fern-like foliage sets off the drifts of flowers, lighting up the spring landscape!

Read the full Plant Profile.

Genus species 'Cultivar': Anemone nemorosa ‘Viridiflora’
Common Name: Green-flowered Wood Anemone
Location: CUH Soest Garden – Bed 7
Origin: Native to Europe, but selection may be of Garden Origin
Height and Spread: 4-5" height x 24" width spread on mature, undisturbed plantings
Bloom/Fruit Time: March-April


A Glimpse into the Past - Thirty Years of Horticultural Outreach

CUH Outreach staff in 1982

By John A. Wott, Director Emeritus

When the Center for Urban Horticulture was established in the early 1980s, one of the programmatic goals was to develop and carry out a comprehensive public outreach program into the community for gardeners and professionals. Shown above are outreach staff at a 1992 holiday party: Jean Robins – Office Coordinator and Administrator; Larry Vickerman – graduate student and Class Coordinator; Dave Stockdale – Outreach Coordinator; Lynda Ransley – Graham Visitor Center Manager and Washington Park Arboretum Program Leader; Fran (Trinder) Myer – Budget and Fiscal Analyst; Rebecca Johnson – Building Rental Coordinator

Read the full Glimpse into the Past article.



Read questions and answers about pollinators from the Gardening Answers Knowledgebase.

The Miller Library is open late before the monthly Northwest Horticultural Society Wednesday evening lectures. This month's lecture, Of What Is Past, Or Passing, Or To Come by Iain Robertson, will include his work on the early design of the gardens at the Center for Urban Horticulture. The lecture is on April 8 at 7:00pm. $10 for non-NHS members.

Is that wheelbarrow taking up too much of your shed space? Got a shovel you haven't used in ages? Check out the UW Farm Wishlist. We'd love to take your unwanted (clean, working) tools and equipment off your hands! Email Sarah at for more information.

We have a new position: Volunteer Naturalist. Use your naturalist skills leading 90 minute tours on the grounds of one of the most spectacular places in Seattle - the Washington Park Arboretum. Apply today!


Give a gift today!


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