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UW Botanic Gardens Newsletter, Vol 10 Issue 10, October 2015

October E-Flora: Autumn Celebrations Await!

Upcoming Events

10/1- 10/3 Family Nature Class - Bugs and Slugs
10/3 Rain Gardens and More
10/3 Tiny Heroes Story Program
10/4 Free Weekend Walks
10/5 Botanical Sketching In Ink and Watercolor
10/5 Greatest Heights and Lowest Lows of Mushroom Edibility in PNW
10/8 Plant Health Care: Seasonal Identification and Management of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests
10/8- 10/10 Family Nature Class - Crazy Camouflage
10/9 SER-UW Native Plant Nursery- Weekly Work Party
10/10 Park in the Dark
10/11 Hardy Plant Society Bulb Sale
10/11 Free Weekend Walks
10/13 A Closer Look: Fall Color In the Arboretum
10/14 Miller LIbrary 30th Anniversary Celebration
10/15 The Root of the Issue: Planting Healthy Trees
10/15- 10/17 Family Nature Class - Spiders
10/16 SER-UW Native Plant Nursery- Weekly Work Party
10/18 Free Weekend Walks
10/21 Fabulous Fall Leaves: Garden Gold!
10/22 UW Farm: Farm-to-Table Dinner
10/22 Arboretum Plant Study: Seasonal Plant ID and Culture
10/22- 10/24 Family Nature Class - Falling Leaves and Changing Seasons
10/23 SER-UW Native Plant Nursery- Weekly Work Party
10/24 Park in the Dark
10/24 Ponder a pond story program
10/25 Free Weekend Walks
10/26 Beetles Save Needles Lecture
10/27 Beetles Save Needles Tour
10/29- 10/31 Family Nature Class - Nocturnal Creatures
10/29 iPhone and iPad Botanical Photography
10/30 SER-UW Native Plant Nursery- Weekly Work Party
10/31 Cemetery Lichens
11/1 Free Weekend Walks
11/2 Gardening with Dogs
11/5- 11/7 Family Nature Class - I Can Be A Scientist
11/6 SER-UW Native Plant Nursery- Weekly Work Party
11/7 Journey Plant Medicines
See all events »


Free Weekend Walks 

In October, fall color will be peaking, and we want to share this beautiful phenomenon with our visitors.


Join us at 1pm every Sunday in the Arboretum. See details.


On Exhibit in the Miller Library


Now You See It! The Slime Mold Revelation reveals the stories behind four centuries of artistic devotion to these otherworldly organisms. On exhibit through October 30.


New Books in the Miller Library


Celebrating 30 Years with the Elisabeth C. Miller Library

This year marks thirty years of service for the Elisabeth C. Miller Library at the Center for Urban Horticulture! Stop by Wednesday, October 14, anytime between 3 and 7pm for refreshments and a chance to hear clips from our oral history collection. We'll also be featuring a display of rare books, a sneak peak at new titles in our children's collection, and a tour of our web resources.

Please say you'll come! RSVP to hortlib@uw.edu or (206)543-0415.



UW Farm-to-Table Dinner

To celebrate a great growing season in 2015, and TEN YEARS of growing and learning together in community, the UW Farm is hosting its annual Farm-to-Table Dinner on Thursday, October 22nd, 6:30-8:30pm, at the Center for Urban Horticulture.

Enjoy a full course dinner and dessert featuring the culinary expertise of Chaco Canyon Organic Cafe, as well as local brews and wines. Get tickets


Beetles Save Needles - How It All Began

The eastern hemlock is vital to the ecology of mature forests throughout eastern North America. The hemlock woolly adelgid, a devastating exotic insect pest, has established populations throughout the eastern hemlock’s range, threatening the climax forests of the region. Now, the discovery of predator beetles native to the Pacific Northwest has opened up the opportunity to utilize those beetles in biocontrol efforts.

Come hear the fascinating story of how scientists and forest managers are using beetles native to our region in an effort to save the hemlock forests of the Eastern US. Join us at the Washington Park Arboretum this month for an evening lecture on Monday, October 26, and a daytime tour the following morning to share the story of this important work and the scientific significance of our Arboretum collections in making the project successful.

The lecture and tour will be led by Dr. Richard McDonald, also known as Dr. McBug.


Photo of Woolly Adelgid on Hemlock by Nicholas Tonelli


Society for Ecological Restoration - UW Chapter now holding weekly work parties

Looking for a new way to get your hands dirty and make a difference in restoring the University of Washington's campus landscape? Join in a work party at the SER-UW Native Plant Nursery at the Center for Urban Horticulture, Fridays this fall from 10am to 1pm, starting October 9.

The SER-UW Native Plant nursery has an inventory of 2400 plants native to the Lower Puget Sound forests and prairies. Weekly work parties engage volunteers in plant maintenance and basic horticulture activities. It is a fun and positive learning experience for all interested in coming. Gloves, tools and snacks are provided. For more information on SER-UW check out their website.

SER_UW Nursery Students


October Plant Profile: Cucurbita maxima

Beautiful, packed with calories and vitamins, and easily stored for up to several months, winter squash is one of the most rewarding crops for vegetable gardeners to grow. One of our favorite squash varieties grown at the UW Farm at the Center for Urban Horticulture is Confection Squash. Similar to Crown Prince, popular in England, New Zealand, and Australia, Confection is a beautiful blue-grey, squat kabocha-type squash most notable for its incredible flavor, rich sweetness and texture, and edible skin. Learn more.

Family: Cucurbitaceae
Genus: Cucurbita
species: C. maxima
Common Name: Confection Squash
Location: UW Student farm at the Center for Urban Horticulture



Glimpse into the Past - the Daniel J. Evans Centennial Tree

On Thursday, October 29, 2015, the Evans School of Public Policy and Governance at the University of Washington will honor former governor Daniel J. Evans, on his 90th birthday, for his public leadership, scholarship, and service. What an opportune time to mention the Daniel J. Evans Centennial Tree at the Washington Park Arboretum. The tree is a coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens), planted by Governor Evans in the south Pinetum as part of the Washington State Arbor Day program. Read more.


Governor Evans at the (very rainy) Arbor Day tree planting, April 12, 1995.



Thinking about Cuba? Join UW Botanic Gardens Director Sarah Reichard on a tour highlighting culture, gardens and natural history, coming up in February 2016.

Learn what Catherine Nelson, Tour Program Assistant, loves most about the beautiful seeds of Pterocarya stenoptera, the Chinese Wing Nut.

Read the latest in our "Spotlight" series, featuring stories about our students, staff, and volunteers.

Attend fascinating lectures open to the public through the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences seminar series. Up this week: “Integrated Pest Management Application to Future Forest Health” with Will Littke, Retired Forest Health Researcher, Weyerhaeuser.

We are so grateful for the support of our many volunteers. Are you looking for a new way to get involved? Explore available volunteer opportunities and apply online.


Give a gift today!


E-Flora is a regular online newsletter of the University of Washington Botanic Gardens
206.543.8616 | uwbg@u.washington.edu | www.uwbotanicgardens.org

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