Missing graduation deadlines

Last updated 08/31/2016

For students who miss graduation deadlines, one of the three scenarios applies:

(1) Late fee (a.k.a. Graduate Registration Waiver Fee): if the student has finished all the required work and has received the final approval from the CLMS faculty within two weeks of the end of the current quarter, the student can file for graduation with a late fee. Filing must be completed by this two-week window. More information can be found here.

(2) Register for one credit: if the student is almost done with thesis/report, but misses the two-week window for the late fee, s/he may register for one credit of LING 600/700 in the next quarter.

(3) Register for at least three credits: if there is still a substantial amount of work left on the thesis/report, the student should register for at least three credits of LING 600/700.

If you feel that you may miss the graduation deadlines, you must contact your adviser to decide which option would apply to you.