Statistics and probability requirements for CLMS

Last updated 9/29/2017

A solid understanding of probability and statistics is critical to following the compling core sequence (especially Ling 570 and 572), and to maximally benefiting from those courses.

  1. All students have to pass the placement exam (with a score of 80 or above) or pass Ling 473 (with a 3.0 or above) before taking the core compling series (Ling 570-573).
  2. If you have never taken any college-level probability and statistics (P&S) course before, you should take one before taking the placement test. Ling 473 is not a replacement for such a P&S course as only ~25% of the time in Ling 473 is on P&S.
  3. If you have taken such a course a long time ago, you might want to do some self-study or take additional courses before taking the test.
  4. Once you take the test, we will recommend one of the following based on your score (on the probability portion):

    For students in the final category, we strongly encourage you to take Math/Stat 394 or one of the online courses listed above in order to get full benefit from the 570 series.

    A good online data structures course can be found here. It was recommended by a CLMS student who felt it offered good preparation for the 570-573 series.