Scott Drellishak

Ph.D, 2009
Department of Linguistics
University of Washington
email: sfd at u dot washington dot edu

I received a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley in 1992. After graduation I worked in the computer industry for several years as a software engineer, eventually working on the Microsoft FrontPage editor. In 2001, I began taking linguistics classes at the University of Washington, then applied and was accepted into the Linguistics program in 2002. I completed my Master's Degree in Fall quarter, 2004, and my Ph.D. in Spring quarter, 2009.  My dissertation research involved adding support for case, person, number, gender, and agreement to the Grammar Matrix customization system.

I served as the GPSS Senator from the Linguistics department in 2002-2003. In 2004-2005, I was the Social Chair for the LSUW (Linguistics Society at the University of Washington). For several years, I managed the UW Computational Linguistics Wiki. I worked as a research assistant for several quarters in 2004 (and occasionally afterwards) on the Vocal Joystick project. In 2005, I implemented a coordination module for the LinGO Grammar Matrix (see below for a paper about it), on which work continues. In autumn of 2005, I was a TA in Linguistics 100. I spent autumn of 2006 as a Visiting Scientist at the Max Planck Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, where I studied the typology of case, number, person, and agreement.

My interests include computational linguistics, various syntaces, typology, corpus linguistics, and everything else having to do with human language. I am a native speaker of English, a stilted and only partially literate speaker of Japanese, and I can puzzle my way through French, German, and Latin. I also have the barest smattering of self-taught Western Armenian. (Expect more languages in the future.)

Papers and Talks:

Drellishak, Scott. 2004. A Survey of Coordination Strategies in the World's Languages. Master's Thesis.

Drellishak, Scott. 2005. Coordination and Processing. UW Working Papers in Linguistics.

Drellishak, Scott & Bender, Emily M. 2005. A Coordination Module for a Crosslinguistic Grammar Resource (abstract) (handout) (slides). HPSG 2005 Conference.

Drellishak, Scott, Bender, Emily M., Flickinger, Dan, and Good, Jeff. 2006. Typological Coverage and Descriptive Precision in Grammar Engineering. Presentation at the 28th annual meeting of the German Society for Linguistics (DGfS). Bielefeld, Germany.

Drellishak, Scott. 2006. Comparative Linguistics via Language Modeling. Project for Linguistics 575 (Multilingual Language Processing).

Drellishak, Scott. 2006. The Grammar Matrix: Computational Syntax and Typology. Invited talk, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. Leipzig, Germany.

Drellishak, Scott. 2007. Statistical Techniques for Detecting and Validating Phonesthemes (slides). LSA Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA.

Drellishak, Scott. 2007. The Grammar Matrix (status report). DELPH-IN Internal Working Meeting. Berlin.

Drellishak, Scott. 2007. Case, Person, Number, and Gender in the Grammar Matrix. DELPH-IN Internal Working Meeting. Berlin.

Drellishak, Scott. 2008. Complex Case Phenomena in the Grammar Matrix. HPSG 2008. Kyoto.
choices file for pseudo-Algonquian
choices file for pseudo-Fore

Drellishak, Scott. 2008. Update: The Grammar Matrix. DELPH-IN 2008. Kyoto.

Drellishak, Scott. 2009. Widespread but Not Universal: Improving the Typological Coverage of the Grammar Matrix. Doctoral dissertation, University of Washington.