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UW Drupal Users Group

College of Engineering

Our mission is to develop outstanding engineers and ideas that change the world.
UW College of Engineering homepage

The College of Engineering is a key part of a world-class research university in a thriving hub of aerospace, biotechnology, global health and information technology innovation.

This site receives over 240,000 pageviews per month. The most popular pages are Undergrad Admission (application and related pages), Departments in Brief (directory of ten departments with programs and degrees offered and links to department pages), Creating Your Educational Plan (particularly popular as the admission process is changing), and Tuition and Scholarships.

Other notable features include:

  • Faculty Finder - a database that can supply faculty directory and faculty page content for all departments within the College of Engineering and the college as a whole. It’s used to create lobby directory displays, and is cross-referenced with news articles and strategic research areas. Eliminates some of the duplication of faculty info across departments and the college and makes it easier to find which faculty members are involved in what research.
  • Placement Requirements by Major - popular page used by advisers to help students and by students themselves to know what courses they need to be able to apply to the departments in the College of Engineering.
  • Student Support Resources - covers academic, emotional and English language support resources.