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UW Drupal Users Group

School of Public Health

Our Vision: Healthy people in sustainable communities – locally, nationally, and globally. The UW School of Public Health is grounded in teaching, research, and service. Our 10,000 graduates have gone on to transform communities, lead health organizations, and find solutions to emerging public health challenges.
School of Public Health

At SPH we use a data-driven approach for evaluating web content and navigation. Our goal is to provide useful information that highlights the research and educational opportunities in public health. The primary audience is prospective students.

Our communications team focuses on creating content that is easy to read and find. Landing pages are written for the general public and therefore are easy to translate to another language. The reading level of stories are targeted for a college sophomore -- when undergraduates apply for a major.

Accessibility for all users underlies the new web design. We collaborated with UW Creative Communications on the design and custom theming in Drupal 8. Vanessa Gil, web developer, and John Linse, designer, were key to the successful redesign. So, we give them a lot of credit.