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UW Drupal Users Group

School of Social Work

The UW School of Social Work is in the business of turning powerful new ideas into lasting social change.
UW School of Social Work screenshot

Over 600 students are enrolled in degree programs from BA through PhD. The School consistently ranks within the top 5 programs in the country. The website reflects a commitment to diversity, teaching recognized for excellence, and research that sparks real change.

Built on the UW Boundless theme and customized by Creative Communications, the site reaches an eclectic audience of students, faculty, staff, field education instructors, alumni and community members. The most visited page is for the MSW programs. Visitors average 16,000 sessions per month. There is one web manager with editors for most sections. The Communication Director coordinates the overall look of the site. Custom elements include section header images and the Faculty profile listings, with a tile format that changes for faculty type. The research section features descriptions of faculty research projects, which are also linked to their profile.

Internal applications for several training programs are handled through the Drupal Webforms module: Northwest Leaders in Behavioral Health

A hidden section allows faculty evaluators to log in to view the submissions and then upload their own comments, which are then available to the others.