Health Sciences Services

September 22, 2014

OAW Protocol Assistance Workshop

Are you struggling with writing a new protocol, renewal, or a complicated significant change? Do you have some lingering questions and/or would like some assistance in completing your items for review by the IACUC? Well the Scientific Liaisons at the Office of Animal Welfare are hosting a Protocol Assistance Workshop to help you prepare your…

September 12, 2014

Campus Flu Shot Clinics are Coming

The flu can quickly put your life on hold with mild to severe illness. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting vaccinated each year. Flu shot clinics will be available at several campus locations for faculty, staff, and retirees who are covered by a PEBB health plan and to students who are…

August 4, 2014

Health Sciences Recycling Program

July 28, 2014

Annual Asbestos Awareness Training Is No Longer Required for Most UW Employees

  This is to inform you of a change in a training requirement for University of Washington (UW) employees. As UW buildings can have asbestos-containing materials, all UW employees have been required to complete asbestos awareness training, both at the beginning of their employment and annually thereafter. Recently, the Washington State Department of Labor and…

June 24, 2014

ARCF Open House 6/25

You are invited to an informal open house where we will be providing some general information regarding the upcoming construction of the new UW Animal Research and Care Facility (ARCF).

June 23, 2014

EH&S, HSAS&F, and OAW Host Open House

Three Health Sciences Administration units collaborated to co-host an Open House on Friday, 6/20 in the T-wing of the Magnuson Health Sciences Building. Directors and personnel from the Office of Animal Welfare, Health Sciences Academic Services & Facilities, and Environmental Health & Safety created an invitational and educational atmosphere for the visitors to enjoy. Subject…

June 20, 2014

ADAI Director Appointed to IOM Committee to Evaluate VA Mental Health Services

Dr. Dennis Donovan, Director of the University of Washington Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI), was appointed to and serves as one of 17 members of a National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine (IOM) Committee to Evaluate the Department of Veterans Affairs Mental Health Services.  The committee will comprehensively assess the quality, capacity, and…

May 1, 2014

HSA welcomes Teresa Strathy, Organizational Development Specialist

Teresa Strathy joined the HSA team in late April as the Organizational Development Specialist. Based in the HSA office, she will be working with all nine HSA units on training and strategic alignment in these three focus areas: Performance Management Program Best Practices Hiring Supervisor Training The Organizational Development Specialist search involved an extremely qualified…

The Whole U: May Update

UW Faculty & Staff Confirmed as World Record Holders The University of Washington is certified “officially amazing” by breaking the Guinness World Record for the largest kettlebell demonstration class in history. Congratulations and thank you to everyone that was part of this event. Click here to read more. Unique Dining Opportunity with Food Network Celebrity…

April 25, 2014

ARCF Scoping Notice Issued 4/24

Scoping Notice – Determination of Significance for the Seattle Campus Animal Research and Care Facility issued 4-24-14. Comments may be submitted until 5-14-2014 to Jan Arntz (please see document below for contact information).

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