Exemplary Clinical Practice

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About UWMC Nursing Quality Dashboards

UWMC strives to provide the highest quality care. Goals are set annually for each quality metric by campus and monitored closely. This information is shared with nursing staff through our Nursing Quality Dashboard. Each campus has a dashboard, which helps us to see at a glance if we are meeting our goals.

The following tables represent UWMC’s commitment to exemplary care. They display information on the number of quarters over the past two years that UWMC has been better than the national benchmark. Our goal is to have five or more quarters exceeding benchmark (indicated by green boxes). We constantly seek to improve care, so we also identify units that had less than 5 quarters better than benchmark. Across UWMC, a majority of units better than national benchmark more than 5 of the last 8 quarters. We constantly seek evidence-based care strategies and innovation to advance nursing care.

We are committed to a highly educated nursing workforce, with a goal of greater than 80% of nurses in our hospital and clinics with a Bachelors degree or higher. Across UWMC, 85% of our nurses meet this criteria and we have an active program to support nurses to return to school to advance their education.


UWMC Montlake Campus Nursing Quality Dashboards

Inpatient Quality Indicator Dashboard
Inpatient Quality Indicator Dashboard
Ambulatory Quality Indicator Dashboard 1
Ambulatory Quality Indicator Dashboard 1
Ambulatory Quality Indicator Dashboard 2
Ambulatory Quality Indicator Dashboard 2