UWMC Professional Practice Model diagram showing an outer grey ring containing four phrases: relationship-based care, healthy work environment, shared leadership, and authentic leadership. There are three overlapping circles inside this ring forming a venn diagram. One is labeled Professionalism, the next is labeled Culture of Inquiry and Innovation, and the third is labeled Exemplary Clinical Practice. Where they overlap is labeled Patient, Family, and Community.

About the University of Washington Medical Center Annual Nursing Report

This annual report embodies our professional practice model in action. Each year, UWMC produces a report containing core information about our work, including:

  • Major events affecting nursing
  • Messages from our leadership
  • Reports from key groups and committees

The UWMC annual report celebrates exceptional nurses and the world-class healthcare they provide.

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Two nurses at a computer. One nurse is typing while the other is looking at a document.

University of Washington Medical Center

World-class healthcare by world-class nurses.