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UWMC CARE4U Wellbeing and Support Program

The UWMC Wellbeing and Support program, CARE4U, has continued evolving in attempts to identify best practice ways of supporting staff and providers as we navigate a changed healthcare world under the sustained impact of a global pandemic. CARE4U offers a robust menu of support options and has made access to emotional support available at both campuses 24/7.

This year CARE4U introduced many new offerings and programs, most notably:

UWMC has also continued to resource, grow and invest in support programs, including:

Figure 1: Number of staff reached (under-reported)

Healthcare worker support during this last year has been critical and through increased executive support, CARE4U has been able to increase access to our normal support and debrief options, as well as add many new support options at both UWMC campuses. We continue to adopt the best practice of an “opt out” approach to support and well-being. Over the last year, we have been able to provide support to over 6,691 employees, with an average of 582 staff that engage in direct support each month, which has grown from our average last year of reaching 480 staff per month (Figure 1).

In addition, UWMC CARE4U and UW Medicine Wellbeing and Support Program continue to collaborate to address “The Well-being Five”.