
Bertha von Suttner



Bertha is born on June 9th in Prague to Countess Kinsky. Her father, the Count has already met his maker at the age of 76. The young Countess Kinsky spends her childhood in Brünn and her youth in Vienna and Klosterneuburg, where her mother gambles away the family fortune. Bertha unsuccessfully seeks a lucrative marriage, before resigning herself to the life of a working-woman.

Bertha is hired as a governess by the Baron of Suttner and entrusted with the tutelage of his daughters. While residing in the Suttners’ Vienna and Hermansdorf homes, she develops a romantic relationship with Arthur Grundaccer von Suttner, her employers son, who is seven years her junior.

With the Suttners’ recommendations, Bertha receives a secretarial position with Alfred Nobel in Paris. There, she adds French to her repertoire of foreign language, having mastered English and Italian already. Despite Nobel’s interest in a more substantial relationship, Bertha returns to Vienna. On June twelfth she and Baron Arthur Grundaccer von Suttner marry secretly in Vienna-Gumpendorff. They move to the Caucuses where they live for nine years in Georgia and Mingrelia as writers.

Bertha’s production of socially critical articles marks the beginning of her writing career.

Bertha pens a series of novels, including Hanna, Gartenlaube, and Invetararium der Seele. The later questions justifications for war, setting the tone for many of her later works.

The couple returns to Austria and the Castle Hermansdorf. They participate in the Berlin Writing Conference.

In a winter visit to Paris, Bertha is reunited with Alfred Nobel, with whom she develops a friendship.

Anonymously, Bertha pens Das Machinenzeitalter: Zukunftsvorlesung über unsere Zeit, a political and philosophical criticism of nationalism, and the first of her critically acclaimed novels.

Bertha publishes her most well known work, Die Waffen nieder! Eine Lebensgeschichte, which is then translated and re-released in more than ten other countries.

Bertha founds the Austrian Peace Society. As president, she represents the organization at the Third International Peace Congress in Rome. She helps establish a Central Bureau for Peace in Bern, where she acts as vice president. Arther von Suttner founds the “Society for Resistance Against Anti-Semitism”.

Bertha begins to work as editor of Alfred Herman Fried’s monthly publication Die Waffen nieder. She attends the International Peace Congress in Bern where she meets with Alfred Nobel. They are reunited later that year in Zurich.

Nobel begins consideration of peace, science and literature prizes, the first inspired by the dedication of his friend Bertha.

Bertha writes Vor dem Gewitter upholding the rights of the individual and voicing concern about the potential “dictatorship of the proletariat”.

Bertha attends the International Peace Congress in Budapest. Alfred Nobel dies on the tenth of December.

Bertha is the only woman to take part in the First International Peace Conference at The Hague. She is greatly disappointed by its attendants, many of whom are military, and their refusal to take disarmament seriously. Within months, the conference is followed by the outbreak of the Boer War.

Bertha attends the International Peace Congress in Monaco. Her husband, Baron Arthur Grundaccer von Suttner, dies on December 10th. She is forced to give up Castle Hermansdorf.

Bertha visits Monaco again, this time as the guest of Lady Albert I, and participates in the opening of the “Institut International de la Paix”

Bertha visits the World Peace Conference in Boston, conducts a lecture circuit throughout the United States and meets with President Theodore Roosevelt.

Another lecture circuit, this one in Germany, is a great success. Bertha is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Bertha receives her prize in Oslo, tours Scandinavia, and is received by the Queens of Norway and Denmark.

Bertha attends the Second Hague conference, which she decries as no peace conference, suggesting that its focus on war rules defeated its purpose.

Bertha’s Memoirs are published in Stuttgart. She attends the Peace Congress in London, where she meets King Edward VII.

With the publication of Der Menscheit Hochgedanken, Bertha is credited as the authoress of the first apocalyptic vision of atomic warfare.

Bertha pens Die Barbarisierung der Luft. She lectures throughout North America, in Prague, Dresden, Berlin, Breslau, at The Hague and in Paris.

Die Waffen nieder! is filmed as a motion picture. Bertha is awarded a pension by Andrew Carnegie.

Bertha prepares for a September Peace Congress in home city of Vienna. Baroness Bertha von Suttner, Vienna’s First Lady of Peace, dies on the twenty-first of June, just days before Franz Ferdinand’s assassination in Sarajevo and the outbreak of the First World War.