
1838- Born in Chirlitz-Turas, Moravia.

1840- Moves to Untersiebenbrunn, east of Vienna.

1855-1860- Attends the University of Vienna.

1861-1864 Teaches mechanics and physics in Vienna.

1864-1867- Professor of mathematics and physics at the University of Graz.

1867- Marries Ludovica Marussig.

1867-1895- Professor of experimental physics at the University of Prague.

1868-1881- Children (four sons and one daughter) are born.

1883-1884- Rector of the German University of Prague until he resigns in January of 1884.

1894- Suicide of his son, Heinrich.

1895-1901- Professor of philosophy at the University of Vienna.

1898- He has a stroke which permanently paralyses the right half of his body.

1901-1913- Retires and lives in Vienna.

1913- Moves to Vaterstetten, Bavaria.

1916- Dies from heart disease.



*Source: Blackmore, John T., Ernst Mach: His Work, LIfe, and Influence. University

of California Press, Berkeley, CA. 1972.