Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4
Learn Experiment Analyze Act
Intro Multistressors 1 Multistressors 2 Empowerment Me to We Pledge What’s Next?  


We've learned about ocean acidification, its causes, and some of its impacts on sea urchins and other marine organisms. Now it's time to act to do something about it!

But ocean acidification is a massive global problem – how can we as individuals hope to do anything about it?

The good news is that there's A LOT we can do to address ocean acidification here in our own communities!
  1. WE can act locally to reduce local stressors on the marine environment;
  2. WE can learn from and help empower sentinel communities that are feeling the greatest impacts of ocean acidification, while forging ahead to find solutions; and
  3. WE can each undertake efforts to build solutions from "me to we";

Yes we can! Let's get started!