Speaking up and speaking out

An interesting story at Nature proposes that the lack of female voices in the public media, particularly as representatives of science, is limiting which perspectives are visible and accessible to the public. The author suggests that female scientists first start by speaking up more at seminars and conferences. We have an excellent example in our own department in Celeste Berg, who asks at least one question at every department seminar she attends. Another step the author suggests female scientists could take is to start a blog where they can present their opinions in a low-pressure arena. From these first steps, female scientists can begin to build their media communication skills. There is a very interesting in and interactive discussion thread following the story, including heavy involvement by the author herself.

You may also find the author’s own blog, LabLit, interesting. The inaugural post offers a description of the site’s goal, which is to examine and elucidate 1) “the culture of science in fact” and 2) “the culture of science in fiction”.

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