Ivory ceiling of service work

Academe, the magazine of the American Association of University Professors, recently printed this article detailing the large difference in the amount of time male and female faculty members spend on service activities. Service activities include tasks like serving on committees (search committees, seminar speaker invitation committees, curriculum revision committees, etc.), …

Understanding current causes of women’s underrepresentation in science

The underrepresentation of women in science may mean that discrimination against female researchers is “institutional,” says the Guardian‘s Alice Bell. A new study published in PNAS suggests science is “stuck in the past” when it comes to women and is focusing on the wrong issues in order to get past …

Mommy Scientist

This popular blog is written by the online persona MommyScientist. While keeping her identity and exact scientific field a mystery, MommyScientist shares her experiences balancing her career and personal life, dealing with difficult male colleagues, teaching, and running her research lab. Posts are more infrequent of late, but the archives …