Females sweep the science fair awards

Three young women have swept all categories of the first annual Google Science Fair with biomedical research projects. Here’s a brief summary of the prize winning projects:

  • Lauren Hodge (13 – 14 age group) studied the effect of marinades on levels of harmful carcinogens in grilled chicken.
  • Naomi Shah (15 – 16 age group) studied the effect of indoor air quality on the need for medication in asthma sufferers.
  • Shree Bose (17 – 18 age group) developed a way to improve ovarian cancer treatment for patients resistant to other chemotherapy drugs.

Each of the prizewinners received a scholarship, a lifetime (digital) subscription to Scientific American, and an internship at Google, LEGO, or CERN. For more information, read the official announcement from Google. Does my excitement mean that I wanted boys to fail at the science fair? No! It just means that I’m happy there are fewer barriers to success for teenage girls who are interested in science. Additionally, I’m gratified that these biomedical projects beat out projects from all other areas of science.

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