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Gossip, From here and there

The Observer was intrigued to note, upon opening his lavish press-kit-cum-party favor box, that the umbrellas so generously provided journalists and observers were made in China. Now China, as we all know, is not a member of the WTO, but hopes soon to become one. Did the WTO order its umbrellas from the Chinese to promote good will? Are there no other umbrella-producing countries that could have supplied the bumbershoots? Inquiring minds are dying to find out.

Meanwhile, the Observer was also surprised to learn just how far the WTO’s power reaches inside even the convention hall itself. Seems the city of Seattle has strict rules against smoking in government buildings. Seems also, however, that there are still plenty of delegates who have yet to kick the habit. And, wouldn’t you know it, when the WTO runs up against local ordinances it doesn’t like, guess what? That’s right. Against all rules, a smoking room has been set aside inside the convention hall. What, after all, would a WTO meeting be without a smoke-filled room?

And while we’re in the convention hall, the Observer noted with interest that the computers provided for the use of reporters give a choice of Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Explorer to people interested in a bit of surfing. Perhaps they hear the footsteps of Judge Pennfield Jackson.

Overheard: One activist backing out of a standing-room only crowd after scanning around, "Looks like they're preaching to the choir again." Another activist responded, "Yes, but at least it's a larger choir".

Think about Dale Hoges, a local Magnolia resident, next time you want to know what one person can do. Dale rounded up more than 5,000 tubs of Toby's Tofu Pate along with donated bread from Essential Bakery and is feeding homeless people and activists all over downtown. A tip of the Observer’s hat to Dale!
