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TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1999  On the beat, in Seattle

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José Bové Takes on Seattle

Bové Has a Boeuf With Mickey D’s
Climbing atop a van outside a downtown Seattle McDonald’s Monday afternoon, the world’s most famous French farmer urged hundreds of anti-WTO protesters to "throw multinationals into the sea." (more)


Also in this Issue

Top Stories

Moore: WTO Resistance is Racism
There's an old trick in political debate: If you don't have the facts on your side, argue the law. If you don't have the law, attack your adversary's motives. Director general Mike Moore of the WTO produced a textbook example of this on Sunday in a statement to a variety of trade unionists in Seattle. His statement is an insult to thousands of thoughtful people gathered in Seattle, and the WTO and its boss ought to be ashamed of themselves. (more)

Human Chain for Debt Reduction Surrounds WTO Revelers
On Monday night inside the Washington State Stadium Exhibition Center, the WTO ministers, lobbyists and VIPs circled the wagons for their opening reception and found themselves both surrounded and outnumbered. Police estimated that about 14,000 supporters of Jubilee 2000, a campaign to forgive the debt of the world’s poorest countries, surrounded the center despite heavy rains.(more)

Christian Coalition and Buchanan Split on Trade
Is God pro-free trade? Depends on which faction of the Christian Right you ask. On Monday, a few miles but an ideological world away from the sea turtles and steelworkers marching against the WTO, Christian and Republican activists gathered at the Space Needle, under the name "Working Families for Free Trade." (more)


Next Issue: December 1, 1999