§-galactosidase assays

26 April 2005

Ted Young lab, UW Biochemistry, from Miller 1972


Grow and harvest cells (keep everything sterile)

1. grow 5 mls culture for each assay (large white cap glass tubes, shaking, usually at at 30o)

„ if not maintaining a plasmid, grow in YP + 5% glucose


„ if maintaining a plasmid, grow in appropriate SM dropout medium + 5% glucose


„ start a 5mls culture and grow at least 6 hours, then dilute, usually in 10-20 mls so they will be OD600 = 0.5-1.0 at harvest or derepression


„ to calculate dilution, use N­0 = N­­t/2g

t = OD600 you want at harvest

N­­0 = OD600 at which to start the culture

g = number of generations culture will go through overnight


2.  for ŅderepressedÓ DR samples:

„ spin 2.5K, 5 min (RC-3B)


„ discard supernatant (ŅsupÓ) by pouring carefully into the sink and not losing the cell pellet


„ wash with 5 mls sterile water (add water, carefully resuspend by vortexing, spin again and discard sup)


„ resuspend pellet in same type and amount of medium but 0.05% glucose


„ grow at 30o, shaking


3. when cells are ready (e.g. after 6 hours of DR), harvest by spinning 2.5K, 5 min

„ remove sup as above, keep pellet in the tube on ice


„ proceed to step 5 or freeze


4.  to freeze:

„ resuspend in 1 ml cold Z-buffer with 18% glycerol, transfer to 1.5 ml Eppendorf tube, spin in a microfuge and remove sup


„ freeze pellet on dry ice, transfer to Š70o


„ thaw on ice when ready to use


§-gal assay (not necessary to keep sterile)

before starting:

„ turn on water bath to 28o

„ add 2.7µl §-mercaptoethanol per ml Z-buffer to 2-3 mls per sample;

„ thaw ONPG

„ have everything ready by the water bath: timer, ONPG, pipettors and tips, NaCO3, beta-gal experiment sheet to write down times


5. resuspend cell pellet in 120µl cold Z-buffer, vortex, keep on ice


6.  follow directions starting with step 2 on the Beta-gal assay experiment sheet

„ for vol. #1, use 5µl, be sure to vortex before taking out the cells because they settle


„ for vol. #2, use 1-5µl if you expect high activity (e.g. derepressed wildtype, constitutive mutant, etc.), 25-50µl if you expect medium activity, 100µl if you expect low activity (e.g. repressed or activation-defective mutant)


„ for step 3 set them up in short glass white-capped tubes (you can remove the caps if it's easier)


„ for step 6, add NaCO3 when a faint yellow color developes


7. use an Excel spreadsheet to calculate §-galactosidase activity in Miller units as directed on the worksheet


8. If A420 readings are higher than 1, go back and re-do the samples using fewer cells.



„ Z buffer (on the shelf, remember to add §-ME)

Na2HPO4„7H2O          16.1g

NaH2PO4„7H2O          5.5 g

MgSO4„7H2O             0.246 g

dH2O                           ~800 ml


pH to 7.0 using HCl

bring to 1L with dH2O



„ 1M Na2CO3 (sodium carbonate): 53g/500 mls H2O

„ ONPG: 200 mg/50 mls H2O, can be frozen at -20

„ 0.1% SDS

„ chloroform


Nataly's method:


6. read OD600 of a 10X dilution in water (make a 1ml sample for the J429 spectrophotometer)

7. in small glass tubes, make each sample 2 OD600 in 1 ml with Z-buffer

8. add 2 drops of 0.1% SDS and 3 drops of CHCl3 to each sample with a Pasteur pipet

9. vortex 10 sec

10. incubate 15 minutes at 28o

11.  add 0.2 ml ONPG, vortex, return to water bath

„ start a timer when adding ONPG to the first tube and add to the rest at 1 minute intervals

12. when faint yellow color develops (lighter than a yellow tip), add 0.5 ml Na2CO3 and note the time

13. when all samples are finished, pellet 3K, 5 minutes

14.  measure A420