Excel Histogram Protocol


1. Copy the final scores from the grade worksheet to a new worksheet.


¥ before pasting, choose Paste Special from the Edit pull down menu and select Values


¥ remove blank cells, cells with text, cells with anything other than a score


2.  In another column, make a series of values, one number per cell, into which you will bin the scores


¥ for example, 1 2 3 4 5 or 100 110 120 130


¥ put the first two numbers in the series in the first two cells of the column, for example 100 in B1 and 110 in B2


¥ select both cells, then pull down from the bottom right corner, which will show a black cross, to fill in the entire series


3.  Open Data Analysis under the Tools pull down menu


¥ if it isnÕt there, go to Add-ins and check Analysis Tool Pak


4.  From Data Analysis, scroll down and select Histogram


5.  At ÒInput RangeÓ specify the cells with the scores


¥ format is A1:A100, donÕt just select the whole row


6.  At ÒBin RangeÓ specify the cells with the bin series


¥ format is B1:B100


7.  Hit OK and your data will convert to Bin and Frequency columns


8.  Select the Chart Wizard icon from the top toolbar (blue, red, yellow bar graph)

9.  Select Column and click through, adding labels as appropriate.