Yeast Genomic DNA ÒMiniprepÓ


1. Grow a 3-15 ml overnight to stationary phase or desired OD600.


2. Spin, remove supernatant.


3. Wash cells with H2O.


4. Resuspend washed cells in 100 ml DNA PREP buffer. Add Zymolyase to 1 mg/ml,

b-mercaptoethanol to 1%. ItÕs convenient to make a mix of the above ingredients when you have several samples.


5. Incubate at 37¡C for 30Õ-40Õ. Occasionally shake.


6. Add 400 ml LYSIS buffer and mix gently by inversion.


7. Incubate at 70¡C for 20Õ.


8. Transfer the tube to ice; add 100 ml 5M KOAc and mix by inversion.


9. Incubate on ice for at least 30Õ.


10. Spin in mfuge for 5Õ to pellet cellular debris.


(optional: RNase treat)


11. Pour the supernatent into a mfuge tube containing 200 ml phenol:chloroform (1:1). Mix by vortexing at medium speed, approximately 5 seconds.


12. Spin 3-5Õ in a mfuge to serparate phases. Transfer 550 ml of the aqeous phase to a fresh tube containing another 200 ml phenol:chloroform (1:1). Extract as above.


13. Remove 500 ml of the aqeous phase to a new mfuge tube containing 1 ml 95% ethanol, mix.


14. Precipitate the DNA by incubating the sample at -20¡C for 10Õ.


15. Pellet, rinse with 70% ethanol and dry the DNA.


16. Resuspend the DNA in 50 ml TE. Hint: If it gets too dry, the DNA pellet is difficult to resuspend)



DNA PREP Buffer                                         LYSIS Buffer

1M sorbitol                                                     0.1M Tris base (pH 9.7)

0.1M sodium citrate, pH 7.0                          0.5% SDS

60mM EDTA                                                 50mM EDTA


From Nasmyth and Reed (1980). PNAS USA, 77, 2119-2123.