URP seeks Undergraduate Research Leaders!

Apply to be an Undergraduate Research Leader! Application Deadline: August 23, 2021
The Undergraduate Research Program (URP) is seeking enthusiastic and experienced undergraduate researchers from all disciplines to be Undergraduate Research Leaders (URLs) for the 2021-22 academic year. Students conducting research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences are particularly encouraged to apply.
URLs serve a central role in connecting undergraduates to support services of the URP. The goal of the URL program is to increase awareness and participation of undergraduates doing research in a range of disciplines. As a URL, you can motivate future undergraduate researchers! Anticipated URL time commitment is approximately 10 hours/month and dependent on quarterly events and student availability.
More information and application available here: www.uw.edu/undergradresearch/students/urls/
Questions? Contact the URP Staff at urp@uw.edu