Call for Artists: Mural Project

The Bellevue College Outdoor Murals Project is a series of large non-permanent murals celebrating social equity, social justice, and the diversity of the BC community.

  • Submission is open to entry by both individuals and groups from the BC community.  (see full eligibility below)
  • Those selected for display will be paid an honorarium of $2000 upon delivery of their work.
  • Artwork for the murals will be selected by the BC Outdoor Murals Committee, a group of BC students, faculty, and staff.
  • In selection, preference is given to submissions by current students and groups including current students.
  • Each artwork selected will be displayed in a large-scale wheatpaste mural format at one of several sites along the main student and pedestrian corridor on BC’s main campus.
  • Bellevue College will handle printing and installation through a contractor. The submitter need only consider their design.
  • Deadline to submit artwork for consideration: March 4, 2022 by 5pm PST.
  • Find more info on the project website: the full Call for Submissions and FAQ and much more!
