Davidson Galleries Seeking Two Interns

Davidson Galleries is seeking two interns for the fall 2017 quarter

Interns will provide support to the directors, owner and registrar. Duties will vary according to need and the skills of the applicant, but all interns will learn about multiple facets of gallery operations and we try to tailor the internships to individuals’ interests. In the past our interns have worked on creating catalogs, art photography, website/database management, preparator work, and historical research to name a few. We ask that interns commit for at least one academic quarter, but exceptional individuals are often asked to remain and given the opportunity expand their skill set further. 

Art and museum oriented majors are preferred. Previous experience in art handling is a plus, but not required.  Internships are unpaid, but we have worked with many interns who have used this opportunity for class credit.

For more information about Davidson Galleries, please see our website at www.davidsongalleries.com

Interested students should send a letter of interest and CV to miranda@davidsongalleries.com.
Positions opened until filled.

Davidson Galleries
313 Occidental Ave South
Seattle, WA 98104
206 624.6700

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