Student collaborators

We have a number of faculty and students helping us complete this project. Please take a look at the list below and feel free to contact the project director if you or your class would like to help out!

Thank you to all our student collaborators, your assistance with this project is invaluable!

Derek Wood
The S4/K84 genome consortium



Instructor Course Student collaborators Project description

Brad Goodner
Hiram College
Hiram Genomics Initiative

Independent research projects

Frank Arnold
Adam Ewing
Dan Ondrusek
Nicole Pride
Lindsey Wilson

Crown Gall 04-Arnold
Crown Gall 04-Ewing
Crown Gall 04-Ondrusek
Crown Gall 04-Goodner 1
Crown Gall 04-Goodner 2

Lois Banta
Williams College

Biology 306: Cellular Regulatory Mechanisms.
Fall 04
Eliza Davison
Julie Esteves
Brittany Esty
John Greeley
Alexandra Grier
Christine Hunt
Bryce Inman
Stephen Kelleher
Jessie Kerr
Gape Machao
Chris Richardson
Tynisha Smalls
Students annotated genes in the S4 chromosome. This was done during a beta test of both the student anntotation site and annotation interface. Many fantastic ideas and suggestions were recieved that have dramatically improved our database.

Stephen Farrand
Gary Olsen

University of Illinois

Independent research projects

John Lee
Eric Brueckner
Early stage annotation of the pAtK84b plasmid of K84.
Crown Gall 04-???
Barry Goldman
Washington University
    Project to be initiated W05




last update:

271805 Jan 05

This website and its contents are the property of the University of Washington. Copyright 2004.

Please refer questions or comments to

Site design and maintenance:

Derek Wood